Udvarthnam Massage

Ayurveda prescribes different treatments for different conditions, considering the dosha of the patient, their physical and mental strength, and seasonal and environmental changes. As revered as it is in Ayurveda, oil massage or Abhyanga is not the preferred treatment method for those with a dominance of Kapha qualities, especially during Springtime. Such individuals will most likely have excess body weight, slow metabolism, low energy, high blood sugar levels, candida, bad blood and lymph circulation, water retention, congestion in the respiratory system, which may cause asthma, shortness of breath, excess mucus in the throat, lungs, and sinuses, and overall heaviness and excessive moisture production in the body. To treat such symptoms, one must provide a treatment that offers counteracting qualities to the damp, heavy, cold, oily, sticky, moist, and stagnant Kapha dosha. The use of oil in Abhyanga will further aggravate it.

To balance out the qualities of Kapha, the correct procedure should increase dryness, heat, lightness, and mobility in the body. Udvarthnam massage is the perfect antidote. It is a therapeutic deep tissue massage that involves rubbing the entire body with dry powders of herbs and pulses in long and vigorous strokes. This treatment opens the circulatory channels, enhances metabolic activity, dissolves excess fat from tissues, neutralizes foul body odor due to excessive sweating, energizes the body, and improves skin texture.


The Different Types of Udvarthnam

There are two types of Udvarthanam; Ruksha Udvartana (dry powder massage) and Snigdha Udvartana (paste massage). Each treatment is applied according to the individual’s requirements and nature (dosha). Ruksha Udvarthana is when a powder blend of herbs and lentils is rubbed dry against the skin. The friction creates heat and a deep exfoliating effect. This method is suitable for those with oily skin and a strong build, seeing that this procedure can be drying and quite intense. Snigdha Udvarthana on the other hand, offers a similar but gentler procedure by rubbing a paste of herbal powders mixed with warm oil on the skin. This method still provides great benefits, but without it being too drying, hence why it is recommended to those suffering from dry skin. It is essential to follow any Udwarthanam massage with steaming, sauna, or a warm bath.


How to Do Udvarthnam at Home?

Udvartana Churnam Recipe (Herbal Powder)

– 1/4 cup lentil flour
– 2 tbsp barley flour
– 4 tbsp Triphala powder
– 1 tbsp dried ginger powder
– 1 tbsp black pepper powder
– 1/2 tsp turmeric powder

If your skin is dry, mix 4 tbsp of the Udvartana Churna with 1/4 cup of warm sesame or olive oil.

Self-Massage Technique

– If your skin is dry or sensitive, mix the powder with warm oil to make a paste.
– Effortfully rub the herbal powder or paste against your skin, from the feet upwards towards the thighs, and the hands towards the shoulders. On the torso region, rub from the hipbone in the direction of the chest and from the back of the thighs towards the lower back.
– Spend more time and use more intensity on the thighs or wherever cellulite is apparent on your body.
– Take a warm bath after this massage.