The Ayurvedic Clock

In nature, there are two 12-hour cycles and each is divided into three smaller cycles. Each 4-hour cycle is linked to certain bodily functions governed by the Doshas; Vata (air), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (earth & water). Connecting your daily routine to these cycles instead of living against them, makes a powerful life tool for enhancing the things you’d want to achieve throughout the day.

Day-time Cycle


Kapha Time | 6am – 10am

Time to awaken, activate and charge the body up. Wake up early, cleanse your body, do physical exercise, and eat a light breakfast.

Pitta Time | 10am – 2pm

Time to use your power. Get things done and eat your biggest meal while the sun and your energy are at their peak.

Vata Time | 2pm – 6pm

Time to relax and create. Your physical energy is running low but your mind is on. Read, write, paint, play music or try a new recipe.


Night-time Cycle


Kapha Time | 6pm – 10pm

Time to unwind. Eat a light dinner before sunset, brew a cup of tea, take a bath, dim the lights and grab a book. It’s time for bed.

Pitta Time | 10pm – 2am

Time for sleep. Ideally, you’d want to be asleep by 10 pm to avoid getting a second energy burst (insomnia), and late-night snacking.

Vata Time | 2am – 6am

Time to reconnect to higher consciousness through dreaming or meditation. The mind is clearest during these auspicious hours.


Regulating our biological clock aids digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food, and provides a sense of stability and control over one’s own body and emotions while existing in this unstable and constantly changing world we live in.