Vegas, The Natural Urges

Vegas, The Natural Urges

Vegas, The Natural UrgesAyurveda mentioned 13 spontaneous flows, known as Vegas, or the body's natural urges. The moving force of Vata dosha causes these impulses, and regular repression of any of these urges may lead to imbalances and diseases.Vegas are physical...

The Science Behind Emotional Eating

The Science Behind Emotional Eating

The Science Behind Emotional EatingFor some people, no matter how hard they try to eat healthfully, seeking food for comfort seems inevitable when intense emotions arise. We reach for food, hoping that it will make us feel better, but more often than not, we end up...

How to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve to Beat Anxiety?

How to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve to Beat Anxiety?

How to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve to Beat Anxiety?Fear and anxiety seem to be common trades in our day-to-day lives, especially in this current period known as 'Kali Yuga,' or the age of darkness, according to the Vedic calendar. This age is characterized by moral and...

Krimi, The Bacteria Controlling Your Health

Krimi, The Bacteria Controlling Your Health

Krimi, The Bacteria Controlling Your HealthIn the ancient Vedic texts dating back 3000 years ago, visible and invisible microorganisms called Krimi were mentioned. Although unseen by the naked eye, these microbes were known to be present in foods like milk and butter,...

How Sweet Is The Effect of Sweeteners?

How Sweet Is The Effect of Sweeteners?

How Sweet Is The Effect of Sweeteners?Madhura Rasa, or the sweet taste, is introduced to the body since birth, as babies of all mammals enjoy breast milk, which is predominantly sweet. Sweet-tasting foods promote tissue growth and provide energy and longevity when...

Why You Don’t Get Bloated Eating Legumes In India?

Why You Don’t Get Bloated Eating Legumes In India?

Why You Don't Get Bloated Eating Legumes In India?Pulses are a great source of plant protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and fiber, and they all come under the healthy food category 'Shimbi Dhanya Varga' in Ayurveda. These include beans and lentils of all...



Ajirna What's Causing Your Indigestion?Ajirna means indigestion, or the inability to properly digest, assimilate and eliminate food. Symptoms under Ajirna include bloating, excessive gas, belching, heartburn, irritable bowel, constipation, loose motions, and other...

Why is Dinner The Least Important Meal of The Day?

Why is Dinner The Least Important Meal of The Day?

Why is Dinner The Least Important Meal of The Day? With the growing popularity of intermittent fasting, people are increasingly realizing that one shouldn’t eat all the time and that fasting is actually beneficial for health and longevity. Intermittent fasting...

Why You Should Eat With Your Hands?

Why You Should Eat With Your Hands?

Why Should You Eat With Your Hands? For better digestion and a healthier relationship with your foodModern cultures are shifting away from eating with their hands to using cutlery, not to be deemed uncivilized, barbaric, or unhygienic. Giving up on this time-tested...

Nidra; The Science of Sleep

Nidra; The Science of Sleep

Nidra; The Science of Sleep Sleep is a reoccurring biological practice, crucial in bettering our experience of wakefulness. Sleep, known in Sanskrit as Nidra, is as vital to our well-being as diet (Ahara) and lifestyle (Brahmacharya), which Ayurveda considers the...

Maintaining Balance During Holidays

Maintaining Balance During Holidays

Maintaining Balance During The Holidays The holidays are a joyful time of sharing and feasting, but they can also bring a lot of stress. With endless to-do lists, shopping, dinner parties, food preparations, and events, such a wonderful time can quickly become a...

Shadrasa; The Six Tastes

Shadrasa; The Six Tastes

Shadrasa The Six Tastes in Ayurveda Ayurveda considers flavor an indication of the properties of a food ingredient or herb, whether it is nutritional, medicinal, or poisonous. Different flavors affect the body and mind differently, and their impact on the Doshas may...