Why You Don’t Get Bloated Eating Legumes In India?

Pulses are a great source of plant protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and fiber, and they all come under the healthy food category ‘Shimbi Dhanya Varga’ in Ayurveda. These include beans and lentils of all varieties and are considered sweet and astringent in taste, cold in potency, and have a heavy, dry, and strengthpromoting nature. Legumes are Pitta and Kapha balancing but can aggravate Vata, causing gas to form in the colon.

Many people avoid eating pulses because they become bloated and uncomfortable after consuming them. But not if cooked correctly! In India, beans and lentils are consumed daily and are present in almost every meal, yet they rarely cause indigestion. Why? Because Indians prepare them according to traditional Ayurvedic principles to ensure proper elimination of the toxic compounds, anti-nutrients, and main offenders. Follow these guidelines and you’ll get to enjoy your Hummus and Kitchari FART-FREE!

– Soaking, always!

All beans, big or small, must be rinsed and pre-soaked, preferably overnight or at least for 8-12 hours.

– Rinsing well

Thoroughly wash the soaking water off, and use fresh water for cooking.

– Cooking legumes correctly

Boil the beans or lentils in fresh water, without salt, and with a pinch of turmeric. Salt locks the beans and prevents them from absorbing water, making them harder to soften and will take longer to cook. Add the salt at the end when the beans are soft and fully cooked. A small amount of turmeric is added to help neutralize the anti-nutrients in legumes, making them easier to digest.

– No Froth!

By removing the foam that forms on the surface while boiling, you get rid of Saponins, the poisonous substance in legumes which helps protect them against invading insects but is as harmful to us if we ingest it in large quantities.

– Serve it right!

Add spices to cooked legumes such as cumin, black pepper, coriander, and turmeric, to make them more digestible. Adding sourness from lemon juice, vinegar, or pickles and a source of healthy fat like olive oil or ghee makes them less drying and easier to break down.

Remember, the smaller the bean, the easier it is to digest, so if your Agni (digestive fire) is not strong enough, go with lentils and avoid beans and chickpeas.