

Air (Vayu) & Fire (Agni)


body shape

Vata-Pitta individuals are lean with good muscle definition. Their weight is generally steady, with a tendency towards being a bit underweight. Their facial features are more sharp and angular.

hair, skin & nails

Vata-Pitta types have thin skin, oily but not too dry, and often prone to acne or infections. Their hair can be thin, dry, and rough, like Vata, or oily with dandruff-like Pitta, or it can be a combination of both.



digestion & appetite

The digestion of a Vata-Pitta person is relatively strong; they are able to eat as they please but may notice that some foods or eating habits cause them trouble. It is advisable for them to have three square meals a day, chew thoroughly, and try not to multitask while eating. The Pitta in them makes them love to eat, while Vata ensures they will have trouble digesting their food if they consume large meals or overeat.

body temperature & circulation

Blood circulation and body temperature of Vata-Pitta types can fluctuate between good and weak, and warm and cold. Females of this type have irregular menstrual cycles; at times it is heavy, other times weak, accompanied with pain or not.

interests & passions

Balanced Vata-Pitta people express creative thinking, and are able to execute their ideas. They are playful, passionate about the things they do, are ambitious and intense. They love travelling, adventures, and challenging experiences.


Vata-Pitta types are intelligent, creative, and innovative individuals, with good learning abilities. The Pitta in them is very demanding and tends to push them past their limits, which makes them over-stretch and commit beyond their abilities. This then aggravates the Vata in them, which can lead them to feel stressed, anxious, or depleted.


Maintaining Balance

In order to maintain health, Vata-Pitta individuals need to be anchored down with the heaviness of Kapha, which they lack. It is important for them to schedule some downtime for them to relax and rejuvenate their over-worked selves. The sweet taste is most beneficial for them.